How Much Weight Can I Lose in 8 Weeks

Reading time: 4.0 minutes (2400 words @ 600 wpm[1])

Get Fit or Die Fat

Have you ever wondered how much weight you can lose in 8 weeks? And how much stronger you can get?

I'm sure you'll agree this is not like shooting fish in a barrel for decorated executives facing as well many demands and besides lilliputian time.

I promise to testify y'all proof of what'southward possible in 8 weeks using myself as a test subject.

In this post I will show you exactly what I did including what I ate, how I motivated myself, and the ways I moved to build strength and shed fat.

Plus I will explain why your grandma is a liar, how social media can help you shed pounds, and the simplest supplement trick. Ever.

I am 8 weeks into a 12 calendar week experiment, so its reasonable to expect to exist two-thirds of the way towards my goals (lose 25 lbs and quadruple my strength).

Below I volition bear witness yous how this turns out (or not).

Week 8 Expectations

Engagement Weight Waist Body Fat Lean
Push-Ups Pull-Ups
Starting time
(Week 0)
191 lbs
(86.five kg)
40" 146 lbs
(66 kg)
34 reps iii reps
Week 8
174.five lbs
(79 kg)
36.5" 14% 150 lbs
(68 kg)
52 reps
11.5 reps
Week viii
see below run across below run across beneath see beneath see beneath see below
(Week 12)
166 lbs
(75 kg)
35" 9% 152 lbs
(69 kg)
61 reps xvi reps


In my original "Dogfood" post, I detailed how my bad health psychology resulted in my 25 lb weight gain and 75% strength loss. I shared my tips on improving health psychology. I even show you lot how the fitness industry exploits your wellness psychology.

Here are some further tips I use daily to continue my motivation healthy:

  • Tip – Inquire yourself, will eating a donut or skipping exercise moving me closer or farther from my goal?Self-awareness and self-honesty leads to improve decisions, and better decisions increment your self-respect.
  • Tip – At that place are 2 of 'y'all': One of you wants a donut (savour yourself now, pay the price later). The other you wants 6-pack abs (pay at present, enjoy yourself afterward). You can't win a battle y'all can't see, so recognize these 2 'you'south'.
  • Tip – Be empathetic with yourself: We all mistakes, stress eat, or skip a workout. That's really perfectly normal. Perfection is abnormal. Forgive yourself, take countermeasures, and move forwards.
  • Tip – Either manner, its easy: What'southward easy to do is as well easy not to practise.[2] Existence healthy is really pretty elementary. Simply information technology's also pretty easy to put it off. Y'all tin can't solve a problem you can't see, so empathize this psychological tendency.
  • Tip – Consume on autopilot:. You eat 21 meals a week. Aim to make as many of those meals as repeatable and healthy equally possible (for instance breakfast). If you lot plan your menu now, you will not struggle with food decisions later.
  • Tip – Compress fourth dimension:If you tin walk 15-20 minutes every day that's great. Only if you are crunched for time, then shrink all of it into i 12 minute dart a week (here's why and how).
  • Tip – Round upward: That means lifting 1 more than repetition, sprinting 1 more 2nd, or walking an extra tenth of a mile. If you apply an app to mensurate calories, continue going until you accomplish the adjacent even 50 or 100. If you are timing yourself, keep going to the next even five, 10 , or xv minutes.
  • Tip – Exist realistic: If we aim too loftier too fast, the event is frustration and burnout. If nosotros aim as well low and progress too boring, the issue is discouragement or boredom. Instead, brand ane small eating improvement at at time, like walk an extra 10 minutes a day. Aim to incorporate small changes into your everyday routine earlier tackling a new one.
  • Tip – Cheat day: The truth is, losing weight ways temporarily restricting calories and occasionally existence hungry. It can even make you feel grumpy. Ane cheat solar day a week is something to look forrad to, improves your mood by boosting serotonin, and stops the leptin hormone from making you feel starving.
  • Tip – What gets measured gets done: Hither are the health and fitness apps I observe helpful. Viscid notes, spreadsheets, or carrier pigeons are fine if they work for y'all.
  • Tip – Delegate accountability: Consider using an online health omnibus to guide you lot and hold you lot accountable equally you work together to shift your mindset and habits.
  • Tip – Don't eat your miles: To burn off an actress 100 calories, you have to walk a mile at a twenty minute pace. It's a lot less time and endeavor to non eat a donut (195 calories) than it is to spend xl minutes walking 2 miles to burn information technology off.


What It Feels Like

Psychology or mindset is important when losing weight and gaining strength. So how does that play out in the other dimensions of personality? Here are my observations this month:

  • Emotionally: I feel more emotional energy than usual the concluding couple of weeks. The highs feel higher, my center feels more balanced…and the lows, well, run across Stress next.
  • Stress: I'll be honest – running a one thousand cal/day deficient tin at times brand me feel edgy and short with people. The antitoxin? Crook day. Eating an eating 100g of carbs once a week seems to restore my hormonal balance and equanimity.
  • Knowledge: I observe I take more mental energy than usual. I no longer feel "encephalon drained" afterward intensely concentrating like I did before. My diurnal low (3pm afternoon slump) paradoxically feels shorter merely deeper. I combat it with a power nap (fall asleep belongings my keys in my mitt).
  • Physically: I feel stronger than when I starting time started this challenge. I especially discover information technology going up the stairs or when lifting heavy objects. I am no longer aback to run into my body in the mirror.
  • Brownie: I believe in proof not promises. And so it was gratifying to help a recent client lose 35 lbs (16kg) and get fit enough to participate in his favorite sport.
  • Sleep: In the last weeks, I've noticed information technology's been easier than usual for me to fall asleep (switch off) and I wake up faster likewise. I no longer wake upward feeling tired.
  • Travel: I left the U.Southward. for Mexico to prep my sailboat for bottom painting. Mexico now ranks beginning in the world for obesity. The cause? Candy foods are at present cheaper than their traditional diet of whole foods.


Arrears Good. Surplus Bad.

Eating fewer calories than you require own't rocket surgery. Last month I lost 8.47 lbs (three.84kg) by running a 29,633 calorie deficit using 60% diet and 40% practise.

Consider the opposite example.

In a recent study[3] middle-age men ate a daily surplus of 6,200 calories and gained 8 lbs of fat in 1 week! [4]

The indicate? Calorie deficits or surpluses matter to our wellness. A lot.

Here are my calories numbers for the last 4 weeks.

Weeks 5-viii Calories

Date Food Calories In
(actuals from logs)
Exercise Calories
(actuals from logs)
Calorie Requirement
(for steady state)
My Actual
Calorie Arrears
Weight Loss
Sub-Totals 44,853
(1,602 per mean solar day)
(-591 per mean solar day)
(two,150 per day)
(-1,139 per day)
-nine.11 lbs
(-4.12 kg)
Week five 11,323
(i,618 per day)
(-570 per twenty-four hour period)
(2,150 per 24-hour interval)
(-1,102 per twenty-four hour period)
-2.twenty lbs
(-1.0 kg)
Week half-dozen eleven,346
(one,621 per 24-hour interval)
(-599 per mean solar day)
(ii,150 per day)
(-i,129 per twenty-four hours)
-2.26 lbs
(-1.02 kg)
Week 7 11,472
(1,639 per twenty-four hour period)
(-485 per day)
(two,150 per day)
(-996 per day)
-one.99 lbs
(-0.9 kg)
Week 8 ten,712
(i,530 per 24-hour interval)
(-710 per day)
(2,150 per day)
(-1,330 per day)
-2.66 lbs
(-ane.2 kg)

In real life, weight creeps on gradually and strength disappears silently. I shared my personal struggle about what happens betwixt historic period 20 and 40 .

As a decorated leader, I travel a lot.  When at home, I have the support of friends. On the road, I use social media to back up my health goals.

Don't Go Health Alone

Going it alone can be tough.

Friends and family play a major part in the success of your health goals. Social support can assist you stick to your goals and stay on track when your own confidence wanes. But the people around you lot can have a negative bear upon as well.

  • Researchers found that the  participants with social support lost more than three times the pounds of the self-help group the kickoff year. On boilerplate, the people with social support group lost virtually 10 pounds compared to three pounds in the self-help group.
  • In another study, two-thirds of those who enrolled their friends back up had kept their weight off six months afterward the program ended. In contrast, simply a quarter of those who attended on their own had accomplished that same success.
  • Tip:Share your health goals with your friends and family. They may not show much interest or support in the outset, merely if yous work to improve your health they will come effectually over time.
  • Tip: An function weight loss challenge can be a fun and motivating mode to lose weight in a group. Yous and your colleagues can offering each other friendly competition and bragging rights that can turn a humdrum wellness or fitness programme into a fun team activity. You can practice an inter-mural challenge (between groups at unlike companies) or intramural challenges (eastward.g. Sales versus Engineering science within your visitor). Yous can even apply challenges to raise money for smashing causes. There are at present a variety of cloud services and smartphone apps that make organizing these a snap (email me for tips on group challenges).

Social Media for Health

I'll be honest here – in the group of the 5 people closest to me in terms of fourth dimension and proximity, I'd take to include  my computer/cellphone/tablet. Business concern demands it, and I also do most of my enquiry and personal reading online as well. So I tried a 21-day experiment of surround myself with positive messages electronically. I signed upward for newsletters that provide salubrious messages, filled my Facebook feed with posts from transformational coaches and meditation communication, and followed wellness-oriented Twitter feeds. I too pruned crappy people and news sources from my feeds that irritated me.

The event? After 21 days I felt significantly more counterbalanced and aligned with my goals. In fact I made it a weekly part of my practice to review my online environment and add new things to inspire me and drop one-time things that don't align with my goals.

  • Tip: Y'all can read more almost how social media can help you lose weight at Psychology Today.
  • Tip: If yous travel a lot just still desire direct support, discover out if an online health double-decker might be right for you.

Healthy Executive Food

Healthy Executive Food

70–80% of losing weight is the result a negative calorie residuum. It Ain't Rocket Surgery.

In fact yous tin lose weight eating coke and fries (the Warren Buffet nutrition) or lose 37 lbs eating at MacDonalds.

20–30% of weight loss and overall health is the result of exercise and diet.

Exercise builds strength and longevity, and good nutrition fuels that procedure.

  • Tip: To build muscle and loss fat at the same time, the average man should aim for 150g of protein a mean solar day and consume less than 100g carbs.
  • Tip: Use food deportation to accomplish improve nutrition. This means swallow your protein and veggies starting time. This will help 'displace' or 'crowd out' the amount of carbs y'all would otherwise consume.
  • Tip: Unless prescribed by your doctor, supplements are highly overrated and matter less than ane% to your overall health. Don't major in the minors.
  • Tip: Yous tin find more Good for you Executive nutrient and diet tips here.

Hither are my exact nutrient diaries of every bite I ate in my first 8 weeks.


Your Grandma Is (Sort Of) A Liar

Are you ane of those people who cleans your plate considering…Mom said so?
Your Mom likely got that well-meaning advice from her female parent.


Your Grandma likely lived through the Depression in the 1930'due south when food was scarce. In her state of affairs, eating everything on the plate made a lot of sense because of food insecurity.

Your Grandma loves you and means well, but her advice is terrible if you need to lose a few pounds. Besides, your grandma lied to you virtually vitamins.

Merely in Grandma'due south defense, she is absolutely correct when she says "swallow your vegetables and go play outside with your friends".


The Simplest Supplement Strategy. Ever.

Multiple studies show the need for supplements and vitamins is largely a myth. Sad Grandma, Vitamin C does not cure the mutual cold.

  • Three trials of multivitamins and 24 trials of single or paired vitamins using 400,000 participants were systematically reviewed [Fortman, et al].
    • There was no articulate evidence that the pills reduced all-cause mortality, cardiovascular affliction, or cancer.
  • 28-component multivitamins were assessed in 1708 men and women who had previously experienced heart attacks [Lama, et al].
    • Afterwards four.half dozen years, they didn't meet any departure in mortality rates.
  • Researchers wanted to see if a multivitamin helped prevent cognitive decline in 5,947 men over the age of 65 [Grodstein, et al].
    • After 12 years o they saw now departure betwixt the placebo grouping and the multivitamin grouping.

Supplements aren't regulated by the Nutrient and Drug Administration. Recent FDA lab testing shows most 'herbal' supplements are mostly rice powder.[v]

Fear non, it turns out at that place is a elementary solution:

1 Red + 1 White + 1 Dark-green

This only means eat ane vegetable every mean solar day that is cherry-red, white, or green. Here'due south the evidence:

  • 500 researchers from more 300 institutions in 50 countries compared notes from over 100,000 data sources [Global Burden of Affliction Study].
    • The goal was to determine what specifically was causing the most deaths globally.
  • The biggest killer of humans was found to be diet, which is/was responsible for killing well-nigh 5 one thousand thousand people a yr.
    • The specific aspect of diet that iskilling people is the lack of vegetables and fruits.
    • This approach is shown in a TEDx video by a doctor to reverse her Multiple Sclerosis!
  • Tip: Due to their calorie density, it's near most impossible to overeat vegetables.Vegetables Fill You Uo
  • Tip: Spread your veg:
    • For breakfast, consume a veggie omelette.
    • For luncheon, stir fry'southward are a adept choice.
    • For dinner, broccoli and steak is a neat combo.
  • Tip: In a bustle? Want to proceed things unproblematic? Eat a salad for dejeuner.
    • Exist conscientious of dressings – they contain oil (1 tablespoon of oil = 150 calories).
  • Tip: Hungry betwixt meals? Snack on vegetables.
    • Pickles are one of my favorites (they are only cucumbers in vinegar).
  • Tip: Detest eating vegetables? Effort a green shake or smoothie instead.
    • NASA claims 1g of spirulina is equivalent to eating 2 lbs (1kg) of assorted fruits and vegtables.
  • Tip: Drink your vegetables Part II: Admittedly it's a stretch, but occasionally I will count a Bloody Mary as vegetable or a glass of wine as a fruit.

Health Executive Exercise

Healthy Executive Exercise

At the outset of my challenge, I ready a goal to burn a minimum of 250 calories a 24-hour interval via exercise.

Speed Upwardly Your Progress

What if there was a magical way to get more fit in less time?

Turns out, there is a style.

Fitness is the issue of putting a load on your metabolism (aka do). And the load on your metabolism is a product the intensity and elapsing of the exercise. In other words:
Fitness = Intensity X Duration
If your body was a car, you get there sooner past driving faster, right?

If you increase the intensity of exercise, you can attain the same level of fitness in less fourth dimension. This is not for everybody. In fact, only ~10% of the population enjoys intense exercise. The majority of people prefer their exercise level only to the level of a brisk walk or coincidental bike (Metabolic Equivalent Level iv). And that's perfectly ok.

The following graph shows how higher intensity can reduce your exercise duration.

Exercise Intensity versus Duration

  • Tip: Use Loftier Intensity Interval Preparation (HIIT) when you are curt on time. On decorated days I substitute 12 minutes of Tabata sprints for 45 minutes walking.
  • Tip: Lift Heavy Things (LHT) one time a week for 12 minutes. One of my objectives in this claiming is to quadruple my strength, and walking simply can't help me achieve that. LHT could mean heavy duty chores, bodyweight movements that crave no equipment, or a quick session with weights.
  • Tip: Go Coronal. Near all do occurs in the Sagittal aeroplane. Then mix things up and do a residuum workout. I guarantee you this firefighter workout looks easy simply will kick your ass guaranteed.

Here are my exact walking, sprinting, and lifting logs from my get-go viii weeks.

Healthy Executive Results

Did I Make My Week 8 Numbers?

Then the $64 question is:

Am I on track to make the Week 8 numbers?

The respond is aye.

My lean body mass (additional muscle) and strength gains meet predicted expectations.

My fat loss is quite close to predicted expectation, only a tad off (v-viii%). I will delve into possible reasons why once the Week 12 data is in (lookout for next month's post).

Week 8 Results

Date Weight Waist Torso Fatty Lean
Button-Ups Pull-Ups
(Calendar week 0)
191 lbs
(86.5 kg)
forty" 24.1% 146 lbs
(66 kg)
34 reps 3 reps
Week 8
174.5 lbs
(79 kg)
36.5" 14% 150 lbs
(68 kg)
52 reps
11.5 reps
Calendar week viii
176.5 lbs
(80 kg)
36.7" 14.9% 149.9 lbs
(68 kg)
52 reps 11 reps
(Week 12)
166 lbs
(75 kg)
35" nine% 152 lbs
(69 kg)
61 reps 16 reps

Will I Brand My Week 12 Numbers?

Next month I volition publish an update on Calendar week 12 of my 12 Week program. My predicted weight should be 166 lbs (down from 191) and my strength should be quadrupled (by adding 6 lbs of muscle).

I volition include exact logs of what I ate and how I moved too as my psychology and struggles.

Plus, yous will go lots of new and practical tips on how to better your health and fitness, such as:

  • Why motivation is so hard to maintain and what to do almost it.
  • How to be physically stronger leader.
  • Stalls and Whooshes: When the scales don't budge.
  • Why crook day works and how to do it right.
  • Things I learned during my claiming and what I'd do dissimilar.
  • Movember: Growing a mustache to amend men's wellness.

Find Out What Happens Next…

You tin notice out whether I succeed or fall flat on my face in Week 12 of my 12 Week plan. Just enter your email accost hither and I will notify you of my next monthly update:



As well published on Medium.


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